Additional Therapeutic Modalities

expressive arts therapy Nanaimo

Expressive Arts Therapy (EXA) and Sandtray Therapy

Talking is important. Language is one way that we make sense of our world. Talking frames the session, and may not be the main focus. The heART of the session is the arts: image making, music and/or sound, writing, & authentic movement - each amplifies our experience of our place in the world… a way of meaning-making. We often move between the different arts modalities to crystallize our experience. Ecotherapy, also a part of EXA, brings us into our senses, to a place of wonder & belonging with nature.

The sandtray modality facilitates adults in identifying archetypal and symbolic patterns in stuck belief systems. The expressive arts therapist does not interpret your work or psychoanalyze you, she guides you in experiencing your understanding of who you are in this world.

An expressive arts session is very beneficial for care givers and those in helping professions.

60 mins |  $140 (incl. GST)

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is integrated in your sound healing session. Using weighted and unweighted tuning forks in the biofield releases the noise and resistance out of the system, and brings in resonance and entrainment with yes, good vibrations! Past traumas and stuck emotions are allowed to flow through the biofield of the electric body, relaxing the nervous system, and relieving anxiety .

Sound, vibration, frequency and energy make up nature and the universe… we are a part of this vast world and universe. So naturally, sound helps bring us back into our bodies and out of our heads, grounding us and bringing clarity to the clouds that can fog up our insight. Sound is always happening now, and is a helpful tool in bringing us into the present moment. Our nervous systems can tune into frequencies that allow regulation and a sense of grounding. CLICK HERE for more information on the benefits and process.

60 mins |  $140 (incl. GST)  

🎵 SOUNDSCAPE 🎵 ~ Sound healing therapy groups ~

🎵 SOUNDSCAPE 🎵 ~ Sound healing therapy groups ~

Sound opens up space in our bodies and releases the tension where trauma and emotions get stuck.

Biofield tuning is a systematic approach using sound and the energy centers in our bodies to bring restoration and relaxation from issues such as burnout, stress, & overwhelm.

We are creatures who are moved by music. A variety of acoustic instruments are part of the session. The piano provides a range & depth of melody & harmony that fill up our senses, as well as vibrate through our bodies for a fully restorative experience.

"I had an expressive arts therapy session with Chrissandra using the sand tray. I found it so freeing to have pure creative space with no goal attached. The art was the play! It was a wonderful pause from busy times and very interesting to see what takes shape when we just let ourselves play. She even played piano while I explored inner discoveries coming to life in my sand kingdom! Really loved it."

~ N. Young, Nanaimo

©️2020  painting by Chrissandra Unger

©️2020 painting by Chrissandra Unger

Questions before getting started?

Want to “Meet and Greet” first? Contact me to set up a time.